101 in 1001

The concept creator of 101 in 1001 Mackenzie is brilliant. She is on her second list now after having great success previously. It’s a list of 101 things you complete in 1001 days. I have seen lists such as this all over the blogosphere. 
I honestly cannot recall the last time I just watched a full TV show without checking emails or jotting down ideas. The past year and a half of my life has really been dedicated to getting in to blogging and exploring the possibilities of a career option. I chose my New Years resolution to live more in the moment and not be so bothered but the thought of not having everything done and perfected. With Jamison & I getting a house and starting a crazy remodeling plan, I wanted to take our commitment and complete goals to grow together. I really think this will motivate us to have some fun experiences.
My goals tend to be more on a professional aspect and not a personal or spiritual level. Some of my goals are  super silly and serious where as some of them are my deepest desires. It took about two days to actually get this list together. I didn't realize there was so much I wanted to do and actually there could be even more that I add...or at least make a draft of so I don't forget about them.
I've come to terms with my work policy and the limits it places on my blogging. I have an assurance of who I am and that priorities are changing in my life. As I or we complete items off the list I will be doing blog check ins and posting photos that such goals have been achieved. So let's take a look at my list, shall we? 

Start: May 16, 2015
End: February 10, 2018


1. Achieve Fitness Goals
2. Buy Jamison a Dog (Dash)
3. Pierce my ears
4. Run a 5k
5. Join a Church
6. Cook 10 meals Jamison likes (hamburger steak, crab legs,)
7. Buy a new car
8. Read 33 Books (1 per month) Yes Please by Amy Poehler July
9. Make an office area
10.  Start a devotional
11.  Recycle
12.  Host a family holiday
13.  Make a family recipe book
14.  Take an intermediate calligraphy class
15.  14 days of no heat hairstyles  06/20/2015
16.  Make breakfast in bed for my love 05/15/2016
17.  Send out Christmas cards
18.  Homemade Christmas gifts 2015
19.  Make my own salsa
20.  Perfect guacamole recipe
21.  5 months no buy (not continuously)
22.  Collect coffee table books
23.  Unplug for 48 hours
24.  Learn to tie a tie
25.  Join a gym August 2015
26.  Donate blood four times
27.  Take scuba diving lessons
28.  Curb appeal our home
29.  Create a backyard oasis
30.  Learn to open champagne 06/13/2015
31. Go on my first hunt
 32. Get a Murad Facial
33.  Host a brunch
34.  Take a cooking class
35.  Professional pics of Jamison and I then decorate with them
36.  Complete 10 Pinterest projects
37.  Deep condition hair weekly
38.  Pay it forward 09/11/2015
39.  Create album from Instagram pictures
40.  Watch 5 shows from start to finish  (Mad Men, Friends, OITNB, Teen Mom OG, Parenthood) 06/28/2015
41.  Go carb less 1 week
42.  No soda 21 days
43.  Purge house of junk
44.  Meet with financial adviser
45.  Send birthday cards
46.  Buy a bike
47.  Eyelash extensions
48.  Become a makeup artist
49.  Pay it forward 06/24/2015 09/10/2016
50.  Create a gallery wall
51.  Make macarons 09/10/2016
52.  Read the entire bible
53.  Make bed on days I don’t work
 54. Magnolia Market Trip
 55.  Zip lining with Jamison
56.  Girl’s Trip 08/05/2016
57.  Wine tasting
58.  Visit Ruidoso 02/14/2016
59.  Go to the Dallas Flea Market
60.  Napa Valley
61.  Weekend getaway to New Orleans
62.  Attend the Kentucky derby
63.  Go camping
64.  Family beach vacation 08/05/2016
65.  Go fishing 04/2016
66.  Have a picnic
67.  Take a road trip 02/14/2016 08/2016
68.  Go to the Texas state fair
69.  Go to Greece
70.  Attend a Cowboys game
71.  Attend a Rangers game
72.  Ski Trip 02/12/2016
73.  Dispatcher Master’s Degree
74.  Join blogger network
75.  Be a BeautyConTX guest speaker
76.  Hit 20k on Instagram
77.  Open online shop
78.  Update resume
79.  Host a blog link up
80.  Hit 15k on Pinterest
81.  Buy a camera
82.  Learn to use camera
83.  Meet a blogger friend
84.  Buy a mac book pro
85.  Home tour on the blog 
86.  Professional head shots
87.  Update about me
88.  Attend fashion week
89.  Attend reward style conference in Dallas
90.  Host a blogger get together
91.  Stick to a strict blog schedule
92.  Post blog videos
93.  Font of my own handwriting
94.  Unsubscribe from junk mail 05/30/2015 06/23/2015
95.  Have our home photographed and featured
96.  Redesign blog
97.  Switch blog over to WordPress
98.  Buy Photoshop and take BlogShop
99.  Design BG T-shirts
100. Learn to edit videos
101. Create blog business cards


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