So you're curious about what is in my shower, huh? The abundance of emails I received about this question was a bit alarming. Well for one, it sure isnt Eric Dane but I do have some very nice products to introduce. Darling, your wish is my command. Lets get down to the nitty gritty.
whats in my shower by brittany-gary featuring pureology hair care
Original Razor
When I first get in the shower I start by simply massaging my scalp to help loosen up grime and built up products. Taking a dime size of the Pureology Shampoo, lather it in my hands then strickly focus on massaging my scalp, paying attention between my ears, just above my neck (this will help you with volume!) like it says, rinse and repeat. This step is important especially if you plan on your hair to last you a few days. Again, Im only focusing on my scalp not taking the shampoo through my whole head. First shampoo is opening the hair cuticle and your second shampoo is to actually cleanse. If you're someone who does what they are supposed to and not wash your hair everyday, you need the second one to really clean. Typically follow it up with the Pureology conditioner. A nickle size is all I need to coat the ends of my hair to the bottom of my ears. I then secure my hair on top of my head with my trusty clip so that the conditioner can penetrate deeper into my hair, its out of my way, and helps prevent backne from forming. (conditioner is the devil for back acne.)
OR if I'm going to style my hair naturally curly I skip the shampoo and completely coat the Oribe masque all over and massage it into my scalp and ends. (placing it in a clip on top of my head to be out of the way. I start sudsing up with Dr. Bonner's Pure Castile Soap, (<- found it at drug emporium for half the price of Target! This is highly concentrated and will probably last half a lifetime) The almond smell is lovely and all natural ingredients are great for dry irritated skin.
Slather on my favorite mango sugar scrub allll over my legs and arms to exfoliate the grunge away. I'm not big on shaving cream, Id much rather use a cheapy hair conditioner. It allows me to skip lotion if I'm in a rush out the door. Then I run that death trap of a razor over my legs, pits and arms.
Last but not least I wash my face with the Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser. Shampoo and Conditioner contain products that are known to clog pores and cause acne and I aint got time for that! Finally I rinse my hair, making sure to get as much product out at possible then run a cool rinse over my mane to lock in moisture and shine. I don't like wrapping my hair up in a towel, I opt for a xl cotton Tshirt, its much better for us curly haired girls, but don't let it sit wrapped up for long. If you are going to attempt to air dry I recommend getting a wet brush to make your hair manageable... There ya go. Monday I'll have a post of about how I blow out my hair for a great base for curls, straightening, updos and braiding. Ta Ta Darlings.
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